The Importance of Networking in MBA Programs

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) reports that 52% of aspiring students seek graduate degrees including an MBA to expand their professional networks. Following graduation, 76% of graduates concur that going after an MBA degree aided in the effective growth of their professional network.

The Significance of MBA Networking

In addition to providing students with real-world management and leadership abilities, an MBA degree also gives them the chance to network professionally, which may help them in the job market. Having a strong professional network might help you obtain the job of your dreams since it increases your chances of being recruited or given an interview. According to LinkedIn research, 70% of professionals got their current position by knowing someone who was employed at the organisation they were applying to. A candidate's chances of being invited for an interview might also be improved by a reference. To locate the relevant individuals and receive a referral, get in touch with visiting lecturers, former students, and classmates.

When deciding on a career move, a professional network can offer insight into an organisation, answer queries regarding work culture, benefits, and room for advancement, and offer guidance on how to acquire new skills or determine whether getting a graduate degree will help you advance in your current position or take a different one. Nearly 30% of Chicago Booth Business School alumni reported that they utilised their network to acquire talent, obtain industry insights, or gain capital while starting a firm, demonstrating the value of networking for entrepreneurship.

Future company performance can be enhanced by having a global professional network as current connections may open up new business prospects.

5 Ways to Improve Your Networking

Refine your network

Finding people in the areas, industries, or businesses that pique your interest will make your networking more successful. A focused, well-honed professional network can provide you with more insightful guidance and expedited responses to any queries you may have.


LinkedIn is the best buddy of an MBA student or recent graduate. It serves as a vast database of positions and possibilities in addition to being a professional social network. Do not be afraid to send a message to someone you discover employed by a firm or in a position that interests you.

Alumni networks

You won't need the assistance of your lecturers and peers to land your ideal job. Business schools facilitate communication between current students and graduates through their extensive alumni networks, which frequently number in the over 50,000 range. Because those intimate relationships can result in significant connections, even smaller alumni networks can be helpful.


You will establish relationships more quickly if you know who you are speaking with. If you want to chat with someone from your alumni network or a LinkedIn connection, make sure you thoroughly investigate them first. If they know you have done your homework, you are more likely to receive wise counsel.

Stay in communication

After earning your MBA, you continue to network. While it is fantastic if you have developed close relationships with your classmates during your programme, the real test comes when your degree ends. Do your best to stay in touch with everyone in your network, including your instructors. You will be informed about possible positions, and since you will be in frequent communication, you will know exactly who to contact in the event that you need assistance looking for a new career. According to Shawn, professionals should start developing their network as soon as they decide to change jobs rather than waiting to do so. They may do this by making friends, allies, mentors, and sponsors along the wayProfessionals are in a better position to decide what their job should and may become when they have a strong network in place.


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