MBA skills Vs. Personality Matrix

Before we begin, please keep in mind that your personality can change over time.

 It just takes a few new experiences and exposures, and you can become a completely different person!


Make sure: If you don’t have a deep love for finance, no amount of Excel or math skills will be of much help.

Finance should be loved and understood like you love and understand your girlfriend or boyfriend.

Love for Finance



Decision Making


Learning from Mistakes

Tools (Excel, etc)

Details Oriented

Researching Data


Make sure: You are the most (Chul-Bula) cheerful person in the house. The world is a nasty place, so you must find motivation within yourself.

Experimenting is the key. I’ve never met a great, perfect marketing person they all make mistakes.

Love for Marketing


Human Physiology

Decision Making


Courage to commit Mistakes

Tools (It can be anything)

Team Player

Researching Data/Facts

Human Resource (HR):

Make sure: You’re skilled at managing people. You may not like human beings, but you don’t show it openly.

An HR manages both employees and the founders/management team. You are the middleman. Save employees from bosses from employees.

Recruitment and all 

Problem Solving

Human Physiology 

Decision Making 


Detail Oriented 

Tools (It can be anything)




Make sure: You may find yourself interacting with laborers on one side and the founders/management team on the other (Daily).

The key is adapting your communication and personality to effectively manage both parties.


Work Delegation 


Decision Making 

Conflict Resolution


Tools (It can be anything)

People Management

Data Analysis 

It's essential to recognize that the pursuit of an MBA and success in the business world require a balance of skills and personality traits. Emphasizing both professional development and personal growth can contribute to a well-rounded and effective business professional. Additionally, individuals may evolve and develop these traits over time through experiences, education, and self-reflection.

By Nikhil Neokar


  1. Much interested in Marketing, I agree to the point "courage to make mistakes" because this is a field where one has to be creative and take risk of of generating and implementing new ideas because marketing is very dynamic. Well written👍🏻


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